… We are very happy and grateful.
Together with Güttinger Ingenieure, Kempten, we spent an exciting day at ICM Munich and got interviewed by the chief editor of the DBZ, Katja Reich.
Thanks a lot to our client, the Alois Goldhofer Foundation, as well as to all the specialist engineers for the excellent cooperation in this integrated planning process.
To our great team: Thank you very much!
Congratulations to our collegues Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V., LRO architects and Behnisch architects for receiving recognitions.
And thank you DBZ and BDB.
Auszug Jurystatement: „Der Um- und teilweise Neubau der Kindertagesstätte Karoline Goldhofer Memmingen ist ein Musterbeispiel an architektonischer Achtung vor dem Bestehenden, Behutsamkeit in der Veränderung und Zurückhaltung im Neuen (…).“
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Foto: Nicolas Felder